Martin Paris, M.D.,M.P.H
Founder and C.E.O.
Bob Bordt
Director, Client
Support Operations
Bhavesh Patel
Senior Programming Director
BHAVESH PATEL has an extensive background in designing, coding and implementing web-based commercial applications both as an individual programmer and as a manager of product development and implementation teams. He earned a B.S. in Computer Engineering from the New Jersey Institute
of Technology and is a Microsoft Certified System Developer.   

He has programmed applications and led development projects involving corporate intranets, websites, networks, data mining and email systems for a variety of  large corporations including one of America’s largest trucking companies, one of it’s pre-eminent management consulting companies and one of its largest insurance companies. In addition, he has developed websites, e-commerce capability, email processing systems, search engines and back-up control systems  for six different web-based start-up companies.