
December 14, 2005
Journal of the American
Medical Association
The Long Road to
Patient Safety: 
A Status Report on
Patient Safety Systems.

December 1, 2005
Office of News and
Public Information

National System
Needed to Measure
and Report on Health
Care Performance;
New Board Should
Be Created to Guide Development.
August 21, 2005

It's the Simple
Things But Hospitals
Don't Do Them.
Our software system provides client hospitals with an all-digital clinical environment in which electronic documentation is imbedded into the work flow of all caregivers and allows caregivers to receive real-time electronic prompts at the bedside.

Our software is designed on an internet-based, thin client platform using Microsoft.NET ASP technology.
This permits hospital clients to deploy it with minimal capital investment in hardware and without first having in place  large numbers of IT personnel. Caregivers input data at the bedside using laptop computers or personal digital
assistants (PDA’s) at the discretion of the client hospital.

The software includes all systems necessary to automate the entire spectrum of hospital clinical activities:
physician order entry, bar-coded bedside medication error prevention, vital signs tracking, physician and nurse bedside documentation, results reporting of diagnostic testing, document imaging, electronic medical records, clinical decision prompts and alerts, medical staff administration, risk management, utilization review, case management, utilization review, discharge planning, JCAHO reporting and compliance, infection control, operating room management, respiratory care, social work and physical therapy.

The software creates a patient-specific electronic medical record by computerizing every test, intervention, and treatment received by a hospitalized patient from each and every caregiver with whom the patient comes in contact.
An electronic rules engine continuously monitors the resultant database and issues real-time alerts at the bedside to insure that care is delivered according to commonly accepted medical standards and that preventable patient injury
is avoided.

Our system is designed differently from those currently on the market. Competing systems are largely “list
and display” in design. They collect data and passively display information to caregivers, leaving it to the caregivers
to connect the various dots. Unfortunately, this strategy does nothing to remedy what causes most hospital errors in
the first place. Things can continue to fall between the cracks left by busy and overworked healthcare personnel. Our
system is built around an interactive intelligence which is designed to electronically monitor and intervene in the processes of care and to pass prompts and alerts which are not addressed on a timely basis up the management
chain of command in real-time.