Martin Paris, M.D.,M.P.H
Founder and C.E.O.
Bob Bordt
Director, Client
Support Operations
Bhavesh Patel
Senior Programming Director
BOB BORDT has over thirty five years of senior-level experience developing, writing and servicing complex computer networks for the military and for firms involved in natural resource management, banking and healthcare delivery. He helped develop and maintain a major communications switching center for the military in Europe which linked to the Pentagon and required him to obtain a Top
Secret clearance. He later developed communications and reporting systems for firms involved in natural gas exploration and water management.

For one of New York’s major banks, he developed one of the first ATM systems to be put into commercial use. Additionally he developed several document processing systems for a variety of large banks, a complete private
banking system, a debt arbitrage system and  a revamping of a mainframe-based  offshore financial system for
a large financial client.

During the past decade, his focus has been almost exclusively on healthcare.  He has written physician
credentialing, risk management and quality outcomes management software now in daily use at a large number
of hospitals. Additionally, he developed  one of the first PC-based medical record document imaging systems
deployed in the United States. Most recently, he developed, maintained and supported a suite of software products providing  clinical reporting, JCAHO compliance, case management and clinical decision support for one of the
largest shareholder-owned hospital management companies in the US.