
December 14, 2005
Journal of the American
Medical Association
The Long Road to
Patient Safety: 
A Status Report on
Patient Safety Systems.

December 1, 2005
Office of News and
Public Information

National System
Needed to Measure
and Report on Health
Care Performance;
New Board Should
Be Created to Guide Development.
August 21, 2005

It's the Simple
Things But Hospitals
Don't Do Them.

August 21, 2005  I  NY TIMES

It's the Simple Things But Hospitals Don't Do Them

By Ford Fessenden

Americans' consolation for the vast and escalating cost of health care has always been the assurance that their money was buying a first-class system capable of extending their lives.

That confidence has taken a blow from recently available statistics gathered by the federal government. The data show that doctors and hospitals fail with alarming frequency to deliver essential lifesaving treatments for some of the most common causes of death.