
December 14, 2005
Journal of the American
Medical Association
The Long Road to
Patient Safety: 
A Status Report on
Patient Safety Systems.

December 1, 2005
Office of News and
Public Information

National System
Needed to Measure
and Report on Health
Care Performance;
New Board Should
Be Created to Guide Development.
August 21, 2005

It's the Simple
Things But Hospitals
Don't Do Them.

digitalPATIENTcare provides hospitals with web-based software that prevents patient errors and improves
clinical outcomes.

The company’s software reflects a collaboration of physicians, hospital administrators and nurses inspired by the
Institute of Medicine (IOM) report of 2001. The report revealed that errors and mistakes are common in US hospitals
and as a result, tens of thousands of patients suffer preventable death and hundreds of thousands more suffer
preventable injury.

Preventable injuries and deaths are extraordinary outcomes in an industry which every day deploys hundreds of thousands of skilled and committed staff to monitor clinical quality. What’s going wrong?

We believe that US hospitals are currently missing the one most important element required to maximize patient
safety: clinical computerization.

We provide the industry’s only completely web-based, enterprise-wide clinical information system affordable by the typical community hospital. Our software transforms a client hospital by creating an all-digital environment in which electronic documentation is imbedded into caregiver workflow and in which real-time electronic prompts are delivered
right to the bedside. Our software provides real-time clinical decision support. It is easy to implement, affordable,
and simple to customize.

Our proprietary rules engine supplies a revolutionary electronic oversight intelligence to your hospital’s day-to-day
clinical activities. It continuously monitors physician orders, caregiver activities, and patient status to insure that what should happen at the bedside actually does happen (100% of the time) and that what should not happen, in fact does
not happen (100% of the time).

We provide hospitals with an electronic path to clinical excellence.